Solomon Islands Driving Advice and Car Hire Info
Driving in the Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands drives on the left and you can use the photo licence of any country to drive here. If it’s not written in Roman alphabet though, it’s advisable to bring your own licence plus an international driving permit. Speed limits range from 40kmh in built up areas to 60kmh in rural areas.The permitted blood alcohol level is 0.08%.
The Solomon Islands has around 1,500 km of roads: 625 km are classified as main roads, 523 km are feeder roads, and 346 km are local access roads. Three-quarters of the road network including 80% of road bridges and all paved roads are in Guadalcanal, Malaita and the islands of Western Province. Only 184 km (12%) of the main road network is paved. On Malaita,only 6% of roads are paved. A 2018 study commissioned by the World Bank rated only , 15% of Solomon Island’s roads as being in fair to good condition, with most of those being around the capital, Honiara on Guadalcanal.The main road in Honiara is the Kukum highway which links the East and West or the city, including the port and airport. Non paved roads are constructed from coral, gravel or dirt and will deteriorate after bad weather. Most roads are not well lit and vehicles may not be lit so night driving is best avoided. Be careful when driving away from main roads to avoid trespassing on communal land which may not be clear from signposts.
Standards of driving are often poor. Many Solomon Islanders chew betel nut and frequently open vehicle doors, including on the driver’s side, when travelling at speed, in order to spit onto the road so beware when overtaking. If you are involved in a road accident the law requires you to stop and stay at the scene until the police arrive. However if a hostile crowd gathers and you feel unsafe you should drive immediately to the nearest police station to report the incident and ask the police to accompany you back to the scene of the accident. You should avoid travel around Honiara at night. Particular care should be taken in the squatter settlements around Honiara, White River and the Lungga Bridge, Sun Valley, Matanikau Bridge and Henderson area. There have been reports of rocks being thrown at cars and car jacking in these areas.
Although I try and keep the information in the site updated as much as possible, in a rapidly moving world, situations can change daily. Therefore please use the site as an approximate guide, and in conjunction with other resources in order to form your view on driving conditions, roads, safety etc.
Solomon Islands Car Rental
Hertz and Avis have branches in Honiara on Guadalcanal.
We currently have no local car rental partners in The Solomon Islands. If you are a local car rental company who would like to feature on please check details on our Partnering page or contact us on