St Kitts and Nevis Driving Advice and Car Hire Info
Driving in St.Kitts and Nevis
Cars are driven on the left of the road and you need to get a temporary local licence which the rental company can arrange. Speed limits are 41kmh/20mph in towns and 63kmh/40mph on other roads. Some cars may be left hand drive which can make over taking difficult , though you should have little cause to overtake here. There is one coastal roads running right round the island of St Kitts and south from Basseterre to Cockleshell Bay and passenger ferries to Nevis. If you want to take your car from St Kitts to Nevis you’ll need to take a ferry from Bassaterre, which runs around 10 times a day and takes 45 minutes. On Nevis, there is again one main road running for 20 miles largely along the coast line and through the main settlements, though it runs inland between Mannings and Charlestown on the south of the island. Main roads on both islands are usually in good condition but as you get further from main settlements the roads may deteriorate, though the worst you’ll come across is the odd pot hole,speed bump or drainage grooves. You need to be alert for animals in the road, particularly goats and slow driving locals who may stop without warning to pick up or chat to a friend. Driving at night presents extra hazards in this respect. The only traffic you’re likely to encounter is in Basseterre and this is unlikely to be worse than rush hour in any small town in USA or Europe. Local driving style is generally laid back and polite and driving abroad on the islands should be a fairly easy and pleasurable experience.
Although I try and keep the information in the site updated as much as possible, in a rapidly moving world, situations can change daily. Therefore please use the site as an approximate guide, and in conjunction with other resources in order to form your view on driving conditions, roads, safety etc.
St.Kitts and Nevis Car Rental –
Hertz have outlets in Basseterre and Frigate Bay. Avis have an outlet in Basseterre. They state that cars can’t be taken off ‘the island’ though its not clear whether that means they can’t be taken from St Kitts to Nevis.
We currently have no local car rental partners in St Kitts and Nevis. If you are a local car rental company who would like to feature on please check details on our Partnering page or contact us on