British Virgin Islands Driving Advice and Car Hire Info
Driving in British Virgin Islands
British Virgin Islands drive on the left and you can rent a car using the photo ID licence from most countries. Main roads on Tortola are, Route 1 or the Sir Francis Drake Highway which runs along the south coast of the island, and Ridge Road which runs inland along the centre of the island and is a renowned scenic drive. Main roads are usually paved, and are in reasonable condition, but expect the odd pot hole. There are also some very steep hills and hair-pin bends so driving on these roads at night isn’t recommended. A single primary road circles the island and several roads criss-cross it. These cross roads are almost always through hilly/mountainous terrain. Virgin Gorda has a smaller road system and a single, steep road links the north and south ends of Virgin Gorda. Anegada’s roads are little more than sandy lanes and dirt roads. Speed limits, which seem to be rarely enforced, are 20 mph in town and 35 mph outside town. Driving styles are usually fairly laid back but drive cautiously as some local drivers may overtake when it isn’t safe to do so and exceed the speed limit.
Although I try and keep the information in the site updated as much as possible, in a rapidly moving world, situations can change daily. Therefore please use the site as an approximate guide, and in conjunction with other resources in order to form your view on driving conditions, roads, safety etc.
British Virgin Islands Car Rental –
National have branches on Tortola and Beef Island. Hertz have a branch on Virgin Gorda.Dollar have a branch on Tortola.
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